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What are the 5 tips for making a good Tolstoy with my computer?
What are the 5 tips for making a good Tolstoy with my computer?

Make the most out of your webcam by following these simple tips!

Dov Kaufmann avatar
Written by Dov Kaufmann
Updated over a week ago

If you've been using your laptop to capture videos and attend digital conferences, you've probably noticed that the quality of your webcam is hit or miss.

But don't get discouraged! By implementing a few simple tips - the quality of your webcam video will be immediately transformed. And bonus, they are all completely free 😎

  • Lighting, lighting, lighting! πŸ’‘

Prioritize filming during the day

Lighting is the key component that will determine your video quality. If you had the chance to attend conferences in both daytime and nighttime, you may have noticed the drastic difference. While day footage is clear and bright, night footage is usually grainy and low quality. Unless you have professional lighting, simply filming in front of a window will make a world of a difference.

This video has been shot in front of a window, using natural light only.

This video has been shot at night with artificial lighting.

If you have no choice but to film at night, there are a few things that can improve your video quality.

  1. Avoid relying on the light from your screen as your light source. The laptop does not provide enough light.

  2. Try to concentrate most of the light behind the monitor. Relying on light from the ceiling may cast weird shadows on your face, and light behind you could distort the footage completely.

  • Check your background

Tidy up - if you are filming inside your house, make sure that your background is tidy and well kept.

Avoid too much motion - if you are filming in a busy office, you may want to move to a different spot where there aren't people walking around behind you that will distract your viewer. All attention should be on you!

Add some pizzaz ✨ - why settle for a boring, white background? Show your personality by incorporating some books, posters or plants behind you. Just make sure that your background isn't too cluttered or distracting.

  • Film in someplace quiet 🀫

Most computer microphones are not sophisticated enough to isolate your voice from background noise. You should also avoid filming outside if it's windy. You don't need any equipment - filming in a room by yourself will do the trick!

  • Dress to impress (but there is no need for pants πŸ˜‰)

Look, there is no need to wear a fancy suit just to film a short Tolstoy. However, there are some things you may want to pay attention to.

Some patterns may be too eye catching, and some may even disturb the camera.

If you wear glasses, make sure they aren't reflective.

Jewelry can also create unwanted noise, especially when in contact with the computer.

  • Practice your text and body language

Keep your eyes on the camera, and not on the monitor. It may be tempting to look at your monitor while filming, but the finished video will be compromised - it would appear as if you are looking down, and avoiding eye contact with the viewer. To prevent this, you can also minimize your preview window, so you will have no choice but to look at the camera.

Practice your script. You don't need to recite it word for word! practice a few times, and record as many takes as needed. Watch your own footage after recording an assess what you will need to keep an eye for.

Notice your body language. Relax your shoulders, unlock your jaw, and smile! It may be intimidating to speak in front of a camera, but simply smiling and making eye contact with the camera will make the world of a difference.

That's it! For more tips and inspiration, you can checkout this similar article 🌈

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