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What is Tolstoy anonymous ID?

Understanding Tolstoy anonymous ID

Mikaela Lasig avatar
Written by Mikaela Lasig
Updated over 5 months ago

The TolstoyanonymousID is an additional identifier we use to keep track of orders and interactions related to your Tolstoy. Let me give you an example: When you visit our website and interact with one of our Tolstoys, you'll be assigned a unique Tolstoy anonymous ID. This helps us ensure smooth tracking and provide you with the best possible experience.

Just to clarify, the TolstoyanonymousID applies to every user who interacts with a Tolstoy, regardless of whether they have placed an order or not.

If the user interacted with Tolstoy before making an order it will be there. The end users don’t see this, it’s only visible for merchants.

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